Thanks for your interest! Here at Fruitful Vine Woman, I blog about all areas of life pertaining to biblical womanhood. Because we are growing, I’m always looking to get quality resources into the hands of my readers, so if you have a product or resource that matches this niche, I would love to review it! Read on to learn about how to work with me!
Pinterest is FVWoman’s jam and we’ve been seeing steady growth and engagement over the last 12 months. We are striving to become the go-to resource for christian women who value God’s Word and are pursuing a fruitful life in Him!
Brands that would be a good fit here:
- Bible studies and complementary products
- homeschool resources
- natural health products
- marriage resources
- homemaking products
- child development
- and parenting
- modest/Faith fashion
- homesteading
- etc… think “stay-at-home, Christian, homeschooling, moms”
The average age range of this mostly-women audience is 25-54. Our community is in the trenches of motherhood, caring for their families, teaching children, managing the home and striving to represent Christ in the midst of it. They care about their health and the health of their families. They value modesty and morality. They seek to be educated and are actively seeking to minister to those around them with their gifts and talents.
If your product would add value to their lives, I want to tell them all about it!
I enthusiastically create campaigns that are engaging, educational and sincere, all while making your brand shine and promoting it through this blog, email campaigns, social networks, search engines, and online communities.
Packages Available:
Full Monthly Sponsorship (My Best Package!) $500
As a Fruitful Vine Woman sponsor, you are the rockstar!
FVWoman blog sponsors have my full focus and expertise in promoting their brand and products! This package is excellent for the brand that is looking to build relationships, create lasting awareness of their products or services and generate leads.
The monthly sponsor package includes:
- an initial blog post review and an updated review (updated reviews are very effective in converting to sales for your brand!) if sponsorships last more than three consecutive months
- a 20-minute live broadcast review on Facebook Live
- two e-mail blasts to the Fruitful Vine Community
- in-post advertisements on 3 posts related to your niche
- prime ad space at the primary sidebar (300×300 ad),
- a banner above and below the content on every page,
- a 200×200 ad space in my weekly newsletter
- plus several social media shares and “shout-outs” throughout the month on 2 platforms of your choice
Sponsored Blog Posts $125 each
- Blog posts up to 1000 words that employ keyword research, best SEO practices and backlinks to your company site.
Individual Product Review & Promotion Packages:
- Blog review + live review of your product or service on Facebook Live+ giveaway – $100
- Advertisement on primary sidebar 300×300 + 4 links share (1/week) and shout-outs on social media – $75
- Ad banner on top header + 4 links share (1/week) and shout-outs on social media – $100
Nicci with Fruitful Vine Woman, does an amazing job of getting your brand and project to the public. Working with Nicci has been a great experience from beginning to end. Her attention to detail and the ability to deliver heartfelt reviews are refreshing. I couldn’t have asked for better representation. Nicci provided me with reviews of my book, social media shares, and a very well written blog post. If you are looking to share your product, brand, service with the online world, Nicci is your go-to, you can thank me later
– Mae Blooms, Isn’t Life More
To work with me on sponsorships, paid posts, product reviews, etc., please contact me using the form below:
Did you know I am also a freelance writer for hire?? Work with me to take your business to the next level!
Interested in working together? Pressed for time but you still want content that conveys your message well? If you need blog posts, articles, good copy or ghostwritten pieces, then I’m your gal! I’m a professional, reliable writer and I work hard so you don’t have to.
I am inbound marketing certified, which means I understand how to properly assess your goal and create a plan that will get you there with lasting results. I employ the best SEO practices, understand buyer personas and research well to make sure your goals are met in a timely and efficient manner. Creating content that connects with your target audience is my jam. No matter what stage you are at, I can help.
To inquire about writing services that I offer, please visit the Inkability Writing Services website below.