Available Now: Let’s Learn the Months and Seasons Of The Year Learning Pack! As a homeschooling mom, I know firsthand how challenging it can be to teach the months and seasons in a way that actually sticks. With four kids, I’ve learned that not all resources are created equal, and what works for one child […]
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Rekindle Your Fire for Prayer: a 7-day interactive journal for wives review
Do you need to rekindle your fire for prayer for your marriage??? My dear friend, Mae Blooms of Isn’t Life More, has written a 7 day-interactive journal that will jump-start your prayer life with power. ***This post contains affiliate links. When you purchase products through these links, I receive a commission at no additional cost […]

How I’m Limiting Social Media to Be a Better Wife and Mom
Social Media is so fun. And addicting. And overwhelming. Aaand frustrating. About a year ago, I became completely burnt out on social media. As a blogger, it drove me crazy. As a wife and mom, it became a huge distraction from what I felt God wanted me spending my time on. So today, I’m sharing […]

Submission to Your Husband
Yikes! Saying the words, “Submission to Your Husband”, can evoke defiance, confusion, anger and even a bonafide panic attack. So many of us ladies were never given a positive view of submission and today, I’d like to change that! I’d like to say that submission is always easy and blessed beyond measure, but the reality […]

Trusting God To Mold Your Man
One of the hardest things for many women to do is to entrust God with their husbands. As their wives, we often have a close-up view into their deepest struggles and character issues. We consider ourselves their partners in life and their helpmeets. When you’re struggling with how your husband is growing (or not), it […]

Speaking Life to Your Husband Through Intentional Words
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