The Easiest Way to Pray For Your Marriage and Husband
My “Aha!” moment regarding prayer for us came years ago when I was wanting to intercede more for my marriage for some issues I was seeing, but I didn’t know where to start. I knew how I felt about certain things in our marriage, and I knew that God was calling me to be my husband’s number one intercessor, but I would often find myself at a loss as to exactly HOW to pray for him. I also didn’t want to be the wife that complained to God about my husband or analyzed him too much (because trust me- I have issues and flaws too!)– but I didn’t want my prayers to be ineffective and not addressing our needs either. As I sought God on this matter, He showed me the easiest way to pray for your marriage and husband:
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Pray scripture over your marriage and your husband EVERY DAY.
That’s right, pray the Word.
It’s sounds so simple, doesn’t it?
Praying scripture over my marriage and my husband every day eliminates my emotions and opinions from taking over.
Declaring the Word of God over my marriage and husband every day ensures that my prayers are aligned with God’s will and, therefore, will be heard.
Praying the scriptures provides an umbrella of protection over my husband AND myself. The Lord always protects His Word, watching over it so that He may perform it.
If I am struggling with my emotions at any time, I can confess my struggles to the Lord. I can rest in the fact that I am within the safety net of the boundaries of His Word.
There is absolutely no negative take on praying the scriptures over my spouse because the Word works every time. In my spouse AND in me. When you begin praying for your marriage and your husband, you quickly learn that you are also praying for yourself.
“This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us. And if we know that He hears us in whatever we ask, we know that we already possess what we have asked of Him.…” (1 John 5:14-15)
God’s Word is His Will. When we pray His Will, He hears us. And too, if He hears us, then we can be confident that He gives us what we ask of Him. This, of course, requires us to trust Him, having faith that He will do what He has said He will do.
Ladies, we can trust God completely with our marriages and our husbands- no matter what the circumstance. You can pray the Word and stand on the Word and trust the Word to work on your marriage’s behalf. It is important when you recognize the areas where you may be more prone to fear and address those between God and yourself. Fear will hinder your prayers. Eliminate fear and let faith take over when you pray.
(***In no way do I advocate for remaining in an abusive relationship, if this is your circumstance, please seek help to ensure your family’s safety***)
Some tips:
Keep a notebook where you can write down your prayers and scriptures that you want to pray over your marriage.
Recognize the areas where you are fearful and confess them to God. Decide that from that moment on you will walk in faith, trusting God’s Word to work as you pray.
Keep your lips from speaking anything that is contrary to what you are praying and believing God for. This is SO important- don’t undo your prayers with declarations of unbelief! Stay the course and trust the Lord that He will do what He says He is going to do!
Write down impressions in your journal that you get while praying, often, God is dropping a word in our spirit for us to stand upon in our prayer journey- record those words and meditate on them, as well as the scriptures you are praying, to stay strong in your faith.
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Is God calling you to pray for your marriage? For you spouse? A couple of my favorites resources are” to help:
Thanks for these tips! They’re much appreciated. God bless you!
Edet recently posted…Prayer For Restoration Of Marriage
You’re welcome Edet, blessings to you!