Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen. Hebrews 11:1

Now faith is…
Faith is being assured of what you hope for and being convicted, or fully persuaded, that what you are believing for will surely come to pass.
You don’t see it yet, you don’t feel it yet, there is no evidence in front of you to prove that it is going to happen… but you BELIEVE. You know that God is GOOD and FAITHFUL to bring about what He has promised. Knowing in the depths of your being that He is trustworthy, so you surrender the timing to Him, knowing that He is never late to deliver what He has promised.
My friend, are you there yet?
Faith can be fickle if all you rely on is your feelings, but we have something greater that we can fully count on: we have His Word and the knowledge of His Character. What are you hoping for? What promises would you like to see come to pass? Health? Finances? Relationships? Ministry?
This year going forward, build your faith by spending consistent time in His Word and in His Presence.
Purpose in your heart today that you are going to trust that He is who He says He is and that He will do what He says He is going to do– in YOUR life. Hallelujah!
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