Today, I am sharing how I approach memorizing scripture with children and my new 12-week elementary scripture pack that includes a weekly scripture, a strong affirmation that children can say to internalize what the scripture means, and space for copying the scripture down.

Helping my children develop a relationship with Jesus is one of the most important things I will ever do as a mom. I desire for them to know His Word and His Heart for them more than anything else in this world. I’ve tried many approaches to scripture memorization through the years and I have found that it is equally important to make sure that your child understands what the scripture means to them and to use writing to reinforce the scripture in their memory. I’ve taken to making 12-week scripture packs to focus on themes and principles that are essential our faith.
When I introduce a new scripture, I also plan for daily review, activities, and discussion so that the concept, not just the words, is being sown into their hearts. One scripture for an entire week might seem kind of boring but it is so important to dwell on HIs Word and give it a chance to truly enter our hearts and minds so that it can be effective in our lives.
How I use a scripture pack to teach my children the Word
On Mondays
We pull out our scripture pack, say a quick prayer for God to help us understand His Word and read the scripture. Then we find it in our bible and read it again and then read the passage it is in to gain a full understanding of what it means.
I then ask the children to narrate back to me, what we just read together in their own words. THIS IS IMPORTANT. It helps them to think about what they are reading and what it may mean to them. Then we talk about it a little more, not long, but just long enough for me to see whether or not they are grasping what the scripture means. If I need to, I may ask a question, give a life example or we may read it again to help them understand. Then we say the confession/affirmation. That is all we do on Monday and it usually takes about 20 minutes or so.
On Tuesdays
We pull out the scripture pack and I ask the children to read it out loud to me. I ask them if they can find it in their bible all by themselves, if not, I help them to find it. We find the scripture and highlight with a highlighter. Then, the children trace or copy the scripture in the scripture pack. We say the confession/affirmation. Then we are done for the day.
On Wednesdays
I ask the children if they can remember the scripture and where it is in there bibles BEFORE we pull out our scripture packs. After they answer, I then let them pull out their scripture pack and see if they were right. We look it up in our bibles, read it out loud, and practice memorization if they have not yet gotten it.
There are different ways we practice. Sometimes, I use index cards and place one word on each and scramble them up and let the children put them back in order. Other times we simply say it over and over until they no longer need me to help them say it all on their own. Do what works best for you in this area. Before ending our scripture pack time, I have them write the scripture in their writing notebooks. We practice the Charlotte Mason method of copy work, you can read more about our process here. We once again say our confession/affirmation and then we are done for the day.
On Thursdays
I ask them to recite the scripture and where it is found before opening up our packs. Then, I ask the children to find their verse in their bibles, and help the ones who can’t, and we read it. I ask them to explain to me what it means and we practice saying our scripture for a few minutes. Then I ask them to write it all on their own. We check for mistakes, correct our writing and end by saying our confession/affirmation.
On Fridays
We don’t do schooling on Fridays, but we have a weekly dinner on Friday evenings and before praying, I usually ask the kids to recite their memory verse for us.
If you would like to have this schedule plan to print out to use in your home, I’ve made a cute little poster that you can hang on your wall to remind you of the steps! Just fill out the form below and it’s yours!

The extra ways I reinforce scripture memory
I do it with them. My children always respond better when I memorize right along with them. They have seen me struggle to remember words or lines just like them.
I look for teaching moments every day. If I perceive a situation in which our weekly scripture applies, I use that moment to teach them a greater depth.
I pray for them, that the word will settle in their hearts and produce the fruit it is supposed to produce.
However you choose to reinforce the scriptures you are teaching your children, remember that your efforts don’t have to be perfect, but it is helpful to be CONSISTENT. Just a little bit each day will be more than enough!
Interested in the 12-week scripture pack?
This 12-week printable elementary scripture pack is now available for purchase on Gumroad here. You get 12 weeks of foundational scriptures, copywork, and affirmations to teach elementary children the Word of God. Combine it with my free printable above and you’re well on your way to sowing the Word in your children’s hearts consistently and meaningfully. I pray this method will be a blessing to your family as it has been to mine!
I am trying to order the children’s memory verse pack and the organizer book and the order will not go through. It says temporary error, please try later. I have tried 3 times and it is not working. Please let me know when the page is fixed as I would like to have these resources
Hi there Amy, I’m not sure what the issue is, but I just checked the link and it is working. It could be that Gumroad was having server problems?? Let me know if you still have trouble and I’ll see if we can find another way if you need to. Feel free to message me at, Warmly, Nicci