Today I am sharing how to make a bible study basket and personal study space in your home.

When you’re a busy mom, you don’t have time to gather materials for time in the Word. A basket filled with the items to make your time pleasant is an easy way to encourage time with Jesus.
**The reason for a basket is so that it can be moved, if necessary from room to room. There was one week where I was really ill and I didn’t leave my bed too much. I asked one of my older children to bring my basket into my bedroom for me so that I could read my bible if I wanted to. I’ve also been known in the summer months to grab my basket and head to the park for a couple hours of solitude.**
Depending on how you study, the contents for your basket may vary, but here I will list some items I keep in my basket and let you jump off from there to make it your very own.

Before I list what to put in your bible study basket, let’s talk about location.
I personally prefer our love seat in our living room, or the comfy recliner in our homeschool room.
Regardless of location, pick somewhere that is comfortable for you. Make sure that you have decent lighting, a comfy throw blanket and cushion or throw pillow for comfort.
These don’t need to be in your basket of course, but it is nice to have them within arm’s reach if you want them from time to time. Try keeping that area as clean and neat as possible throughout the week too. It’ll be much easier to sit down there if it is inviting.

In my basket, or near it, I have the following:
- A candle, just a small one, to light near me as I study, not sure why, but this soothes me and I like the warm glow of a candle.
- A notebook with plenty of paper for notes
- my bible
- a concordance, and
- Webster’s 1828 dictionary.
- I usually have my smart phone nearby so that if I want to, I can look up different versions on my bible app.
- My laptop is also nearby.
- A bottle of water, and a coaster for my coffee/tea.
- The latest bible study that I am working on
- my prayer journal.
- A small box of tissues
- pencils, pens, a sharpener and highlighters in a zippered bag that is labeled “MOM’S ONLY”. ( In my house, this is SO IMPORTANT because my little munchkins are crafty little thieves when it comes to writing utensils)
- A couple colors of post-it notes
- some index cards for verses I wish to memorize.
- If I have a cold or the air is dry, during the winter months, I usually have some herbal cough drops or lozenges of some sort in there. I just grab a handful and toss them in whenever I think I need them.

Setting up a personal study space with my bible study basket is simple, but effective
It all seems so simple, but having this basket and my study space all set up is such a motivation to actually sit down and take the time to pray and read my bible.
I have learned to keep my time very simple…when I try to do too much and keep it too formal, I find that my time with the Lord resembles more of a chore than the precious time it is meant to be. I also will usually turn on Pandora music softly in the background in whichever room I am in.
Schedule your time with the Lord the best you can
After you assemble your basket, and assign it to a place in your home, then it’s time to pick a regular time, if possible to sit down for your bible time or “Date with Jesus” , as I sometimes call it.
Don’t get too legalistic about this. As a mom of littles, sometimes, the time changes daily due to the demands of running a household and caring for babies. I try hard to start my day with God, but sometimes I have to default to plan B and take that time when the kiddos are napping.
For some, it works better to have their time in the evening before bed. Pray about it and see if the Lord lays a time on your heart. but — make the time, you’ll be so glad you did!
Did I miss anything?
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